Dr. Shock’s Shock Theatre featured Chattanooga Ghost Tours’ own Amy Petulla and Hope Holloway as they describe some of the equipment that is featured on our ghost hunts and tours.
Dr Shock is a local classic from the 60’s and 70’s, a haunted world featuring classic and contemporary horror films, hosted by the neurotic ghoul Dr. Shock and his devilishly lovely sidekick Nurse Goodbody.
Joining them is the mischievous prankster puppet Dingbat and his puppet master, a “dream reaper,” known as “Dirge.” The three exchange humorous banter and discuss facts drawn from horror and sci-fi films presented on the Shock Theater program.
When we heard they were resurrecting the classic horror show we were happy to help and are honored to be part of it!
Visit www.DrShockTheatre.com for more ghoulish mayhem and madcap shenanigans.