It appears several blog posts got lost, so we are reposting some past and more recent favorites here!
Our 2014 TOP 13 favorites list to close out the year.🙂
1. Ghost answering “ok” & appearing on SLS immediately when we asked it to show up again, very first time we used it (in room 311 of the Read House). (We also really liked being the first ghost tour in the world to offer hunts with the SLS, so our guests could actually SEE our ghosts. : )
2. The ghost giving several directions on where to go & look on the Ovilus, then actually appearing in the window it directed, on Hope’s hunt.
3. Making yet another top ten ghost tour list. 🙂
4. The proposal on John’s ghost tour, for which we created a special story and helped set up the scene. (She said yes. : )
5. Similarly, the couple who came on the tour on their first date, and comes again every year for their anniversary.
6. Creating the new ad, which was a ton of fun.
7. Gwendolyn’s Bleeding Heart Ball by Hope.
8. After more than a year of searching, finally finding a new guide for our ghost tour “family”. I knew Jack was the right person when, after his great audition, I asked our other guides about him, & it turned out 3 of them were going to his wedding that weekend (following his proposal AT the Bleeding Heart Ball, above 🙂 .
9. Getting to go on both Kevin and Hope’s tours this year, and tag along for some of Donnie’s hunt. I rarely go on tours as I can make my guides nervous, but our guides now are so experienced, confident & poised, that is no longer an issue!
10. Having 2 of the Walking Dead zombies join us to sign autographs for our guests, on the day of the Zombie Walk. (I also enjoyed being a zombie for the Zombie Run.)
11. Watching people’s reactions, from doubletakes to running screaming down the street, when they see the hologram “Ghostly Apparitions” in our window, lol. (We sell the DVD in our shop, above.)
12. Developing the Murder & Mayhem tour. It has not yet caught on, but it is an AWESOME tour, led by Kevin, that incorporates many guest suggestions- round trip, no steep hills, and even a bathroom stop!
13. Last but not least, I LOVE the times we have turned skeptics to believers (like on Donnie’s hunt, where our ghost warned our group just in time to keep them from being struck by a drunk driver who wrecked right in front of them)!Thank you, all our wonderful guests, for joining us & making all this possible.
<3 -Amy